Meet The Koalas! This pocket-sized card pack features a dandy bunch of fuzzy gum-leaf chewers, each of whom expresses a different emotion: proud, curious, scared, friendly… you pick the words!
These cards are designed to help anyone name and identify feelings. For children and adults alike, finding the right words to describe feelings can be a real challenge; this is when the right picture can truly be worth a thousand words.
While there are just 20 cards in this set, there are countless emotions and body signals being expressed through the images. It all depends on what you think each koala is feeling!
- Pick a card that sums up how you felt during the weekend. Which Koala is the closest to how you’re feeling now?
- Choose a card and tell a story about that Koala. Why is your Koala sad, happy, confused, curious or whatever? Have you ever been in a story like your Koala?
- Can you pick cards to show or evaluate how a project went? Did you change and become another Koala during the project? Which Koala do you think of most when you reflect on how things went?
- Turn the 20 Koalas cards over one at a time and name as many different feelings as you can for each card. This is a great way to build emotional vocabularies but also to demonstrate how we each show and interpret feelings differently.
This mini card set is perfect for teachers, trainers, social workers, managers, counsellors … anyone, in fact, who needs a handy resource that can be whipped out for spur-of-the-moment or planned activities.
20 laminated full colour cards with a 36 page booklet in a box
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